Nicholas Erup Larsen

4th semester, studying AI & Data at DTU. 21 years old. Flag

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DTU, Artificial Intelligence & Data
4th semester (Spring 2024)
• Active machine learning and agency5
• Introduction to reinforcement learning and control5
• Symbolic Artificial Intelligence5
• Database Systems5
• Project work10
• Physics 110
3rd semester (Fall 2023)
• Project in Statistical Evaluation for AI & Data5
• Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining5
• Advanced Engineering Mathematics 25
• UX Design Prototyping5
• Fundamental chemistry5
2nd semester (Spring 2023)
• Introduction to mathematical statistics5
• Algorithms and Data Structures 15
• Signals and data5
• Artificial intelligence and human cognition5
• Advanced engineering mathematics 110
1st semester (Fall 2022)
• Advanced engineering mathematics 110
• Discrete Mathematics5
• Introduction to intelligent systems10
• Introduction to programming & data processing5
2021 to 2022
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Cybersecurity & InfoSec

Danish Army

• 6 months of cyber training:
  ◦ sysadmin experience in securely setting up network (Cisco) and server (both Windows and Linux) infrastructure
  ◦ an extensive course in governance and risk management
  ◦ pen-testing those same systems to discover and patch vulnerabilities

• 4 months of military recruit training
  ◦ disciplined
  ◦ dependable

2018 to 2021
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Business & Science Elite (HHX)

Niels Brock DIG

• Mathematics A
• Microeconomics A
• Macroecoomics A
• English A
• Danish A

2014 to today
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Video editing and thumbnail creation

Freelance for YouTubers / Twitch Streamers (50-500k YT subcribers)

• 4-5.5 million total accumulated views on my own channel and others
• Used Adobe Premiere Pro as primary editing tool for all videos. Some of my work:  "Project Fire" #1,  "Project Fire" #2
• Proficient in Adobe Photoshop to create mainly thumbnails and other general purpose stuff since I was 11 years old

Diamond 4

Diamond 4

Ladder rank: 36,826 (top 1.13%)
Date achieved: July 17, 2023

League of Legends

2406 rated Elite (2v2)

Ladder rank: 1353 (top ~0.47%)
Date achieved: May 22, 2022

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands